Saturday, December 22, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thank You, Deloitte!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Seeking Companies for Entrepreneurship Week
We are deep into planning for Entrepreneurship Week and are seeking some company involvement. If your company is interested in getting in front of Stanford students and the broader entrepreneurship community, here are some ways to participate:
- Donate audience prizes (giveaway items with or without your company logo)
- Donate small giveaway items for audience goody bags to be given at the Launch event (movie premiere)
- Donate prizes for the Innovation Tournament winners
- Venture capitalists: Sign up for the VC/Student "speed dating" to hear business pitches and provide feedback
- Start-Ups: Have a recruiting booth at the "Start-Up 101" Job Fair
- Join the SEN mailing list to become part of the Stanford entrepreneurship community (send request to
- Plan to attend any or all of the events, including presentations, mixers, and receptions
- Schools and universities: Conduct a local version of the Innovation Tournament; contact us for information.
To learn more, visit the website at or contact Christina Harvett at
Entrepreneurship Week at a Glance
We are conducting Entrepreneurship Week at Stanford to ignite awareness throughout the entire Stanford community about the importance of being entrepreneurial - whether that means starting a new business, developing an innovation for an existing company or solving a societal problem. To that end, we have planned a series of events to engage people in various dimensions of entrepreneurship. Each day will feature a different theme, such as Social Innovation, Technology, International, and others. Events will include presentations by prestigious speakers; roundtable discussions; a mixer for venture capitalists (VCs), students and entrepreneurs; VC/student "speed dating," allowing students to pitch their ideas; and a start-up job fair.
We will also host the Innovation Tournament, an "Apprentice-style" competition that will be open to student teams around the world. On Friday, February 22, be sure to attend the big Launch event and world movie premiere of ImagineIt!, a documentary featuring numerous students competing in last year’s Innovation Tournament.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Save the Date! Entrepreneurship Week 2008 at Stanford
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Art of Fundraising (Part 2)
In this clip, Professor Eisenhardt stresses the importance of researching regional VCs and understanding the true motives behind their interests. These insights are based on in-depth scholarly research led personally by her.
Monday, December 3, 2007
The Art of Fundraising (Part 1)
Kathleen Eisenhardt, Ascherman Professor and Co-Director, Stanford Technology Ventures Program
As many already know, Professor Eisenhardt leads the field in entrepreneurial strategy and management research. In this brief video clip, she describes the key elements associated with successful fundraising for start-ups. She discusses the importance of asking for the correct amount of money at the right time from the appropriate people.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
New Educators Corner feature: Embed videos on your webpage
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Marketing a Start-Up
Donna Novitsky, CEO, Big Tent Design - 2 min. 49 sec.
Our very dear friend, supporter and colleague (as an adjunct professor), Donna Novitsky, talks in this brief video clip about developing a marketing strategy for a start-up. She addresses key issues about segmenting customer priorities and their pain-points; and building a competitive strategy. Novitsky notes that customers are the biggest marketers for an organization. She also illustrates from her personal experience about partnering with other players to generate mutual benefits.
To hear her full talk, "From Venture Capitalist to Entrepreneur," get the podcast at this location on the STVP Educators Corner website.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
New Entrepreneurial Thought Leader Podcasts Now Available
From Venture Capitalist to Entrepreneur, Donna Novitsky, Big Tent
Lessons from the Electric Roadster, Martin Eberhard, Tesla Motors
Startups: The Need for Speed, Dominic Orr, Aruba Networks
The Art of Negotiation, Stan Christensen, Arbor Advisors
The Growth of Solar Ventures, Larry Bawden, Jadoo Power
Connecting Common Experiences, Armen Berjikly and Julio Vasconcellos, Experience Project
Delivering a Digital Torrent, Ashwin Navin, BitTorrent and Ping Li, Accel
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
STVP Professor Kathy Eisenhardt Receives Awards
Along with former STVP PhD student, Associate Professor Jeff Martin of University of Texas, Austin, she was awarded the Schendel Paper Prize, 2007, for the paper: "Dynamic Capabilities: What are They?” This annual award, sponsored by the strategic management society and Wiley-Blackwell, recognizes the paper published at least 5 years ago that has had the highest and most enduring impact on the field of strategy.
She has been elected as an inaugural fellow of the Strategic Management Society, 2007, the premier honorary society in the strategy field.
And she and her work were recently featured in Valley Life Quarterly magazine.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Stanford & MIT Research Results: Xbox, iPod, RAZR Development Shows Benefits of Taking Turns
Apple, Google, Motorola and others stand to deliver more successful products the more they are willing to cede total control to development partners -- at least temporarily, according to new MIT and Stanford University research.
The researchers -- Jason Davis of MIT's Sloan School of Management and Kathleen Eisenhardt of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program -- say the process of "rotating leadership" was found to be beneficial based on their examination of 10 companies across eight technology collaborations. Their paper, "Rotating Leadership and Symbiotic Organization: Relationship Processes in the Context of Collaborative Innovation"), disguises actual companies and projects behind names such as Cleopatra and Falstaff, but does cite specific companies such as Apple and Google and their willingness to work together in new ways to deliver potentially powerful products, such as an iPhone that plays YouTube videos, even as they might also go head to head, as in the case of the iPhone vs. Google's Android and possible gPhones.
Rotating leadership entails one company leaving its partner or partners completely alone for some period of time to concentrate on developing a product based on its area of expertise. The study illustrated the success of this approach in areas from VPNs to middleware to mobile e-mail.
Read the rest of the article online: Network WorldThursday, November 1, 2007
600 People at Launch of Stanford Entrepreneurship Network
Afterward, people filed into a “trade show” reception to learn about the various entrepreneurship groups on campus. A lot of new students signed up to join the SEN mailing list and were thrilled to find out there are so many options on campus.
You can learn more about SEN at
Here's the podcast of Martin's talk.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Very Cool Immersion Program for Entreprenuerial Students
The REE Fellows and their mentors then traveled to Stanford on Friday, October 19, to meet in person for the first time and spend a week together. While here, they toured and met with representatives from local companies, such as Google, Tesla, and IDEO; participated in intensive workshops and the REE USA conference; and prepared their final presentations, which were delivered to a panel of venture capitalists and industry experts.
It was an extraordinary experience for everyone involved, including the faculty. To a person, the students said it was a life-changing experience, and some returned home with entirely new career plans. Among the interesting, unexpected outcomes was learning to overcome the inherent challenges of a geographically dispersed project team, ranging from language and cultural issues to the selection and use of productivity tools.
Consider nominating your top students for this program next year. For more information, go to: or email Christina Harvett at
If you were a REE Fellow, please chime in and tell us in your own words what the experience meant to you. Perhaps you'll inspire others to apply.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers: New Educators Corner Sponsor
Monday, October 15, 2007
Recipe for Google Culture: How to Get Some of What They've Got
Friday, October 12, 2007
STVP Affiliated Faculty Honored with Nobel Peace Prize
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sign Up to Receive Educators Corner Website Newsletters
Sign up here.
Here's a sample of what one looks like.
They must be effective. Every time he sends one, we get a big pop in site traffic.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
STVP Professor Bob Sutton Gains Honors
I’ve mentioned his latest book in a previous post: The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't. It’s doing very well. It has hit the bestseller lists for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and, where it reached #1 for nonfiction.
It also just won a Quill Award for best business book published in 2007. He and other winners, such as Al Gore, will be honored at the awards ceremony in New York City on October 22.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Create a Local High-Tech Playground
The delegation wanted to learn what makes Silicon Valley tick, so they can work to create a similar environment at home. It was very inspirational to see how committed they are to establishing an even more entrepreneurial culture.
Among other things, I encouraged them to “create a playground in which really smart people can experiment freely and fearlessly.” I’d say that’s one of the key differences between Silicon Valley and other places. If you aren't taking risks, you aren't innovating.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Coming Soon: Feature Film on Entrepreneurship Competition
After watching the trailer, check out short videos of individual team stories. Pretty amazing stuff.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Stanford Entrepreneurship Network Launch Event
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Stanford Campus
We are pleased to announce the formal launch of the Stanford Entrepreneurship Network (SEN) on Wednesday, October 10, and we invite you to join in the festivities!
(See my previous post for what SEN is all about or visit the SEN website.)
Please join us during the Launch event on October 10. Our featured speaker will be Martin Eberhard, Co-Founder and President of Technology, Tesla Motors. A game-changing,
During the event, we will also give a brief introduction of SEN, its new programs and its member organizations. A showcase and networking reception will follow the presentation. Enjoy complimentary hors d'oeuvres and beverages and visit SEN member organization information booths to learn about their offerings. Executives from Deloitte will also be on hand with information about career opportunities and new venture services.
For more information and details, visit
We hope to see you there!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Stanford Entrepreneurship Network Website Has Launched
Thanks to generous sponsorship by Deloitte, we are in the process of formalizing the Stanford Entrepreneurship Network (SEN). This is a federation of at least 15 groups on campus that are related to entrepreneurship through teaching, research and/or outreach.
The organization's official kickoff is on October 10, but in the meantime, the website has launched. We'll be beefing it up over time, so do send suggestions for what you would find useful. A big "thank you" goes out to STVP Program Coordinator, Christina Harvett, for all of her work to put this together.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
STVP Professor Bob Sutton on CNN: Is Your Boss a Bully?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Teaching Educators In India To Teach Entrepreneurship
Friday, August 24, 2007
Stanford Was Named Today by Fortune as One of America's Best Colleges for Entrepreneurs
Here’s what they said about us. (Note: The reference to a lack of formal curriculum is misleading, considering we offer at least 20 courses for undergrads.)
“With its extensive network of
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Entrepreneur’s Podcast Spotlight: Entrepreneurship Visionary and Author Carl Schramm
Carl J. Schramm, President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Listen to this inspirational podcast of Carl Schramm talking about the vital role of entrepreneurship in the changing economy. For example, half of the
Friday, August 10, 2007
STVP Faculty Chosen as Sloan Industries Fellow

We are very pleased to announce that STVP’s Riitta Katila, Assistant Professor of Management Science and Engineering at
Sloan Industry Studies Fellowships are intended to enhance the careers of the very best young faculty members in the interdisciplinary field of Industry Studies. Awarded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, these fellowships support the development of industry studies, a multidisciplinary field of research on industries that is grounded in direct observation.
Awards are made to scholars who show the most outstanding promise of making important contributions to understanding the complex systems of companies, product and labor markets, institutions and their interactions that shape the multifaceted environment of modern industrial enterprises.
Sloan Industry Studies Fellows, once chosen, are free to pursue any direction of original investigation in industry studies, subject to an expectation that they will establish or maintain close working relationships within a chosen industry.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Entreprenuer's Podcast Spotlight: Interview with Legendary NFL Quarterback Steve Young
Stan Christensen interviews Steve Young, Former NFL Quarterback
Steve Young, former quarterback for the
Thursday, August 2, 2007
STVP-AlwaysOn Stanford Summit Coverage - Part 3
Day Three of the conference has proven to be just as interesting as the other two.
Highlight #1: How to Get Acquired By One of the Big Players
If your exit strategy is acquisition by one of the big technology brands, you’ll want to listen to the archive of “Who do the Big Brands Want to Eat to Grow Their Businesses?” The panel consisted of Google, Microsoft, Intel, IAC and Cisco. Panelists offered some great advice and practical tips on how to engage in discussions with them. Entrepreneurs will find this one so useful that I’ll probably do a separate posting based on detailed notes I took during this session, so stay tuned.
Go here to watch and learn for yourself. -- View Archive --
Highlight #2: How Students Created Enterprises From a Pack of Post-Its in Four Days
Tina Seelig, Executive Director, Stanford Technology Ventures Program, gave a wonderful talk on “Entrepreneurship as an Extreme Sport.” -- View Archive --
Her main point: Yes, entrepreneurship can be taught. And she proved it by sharing the outcomes of a global competition held during national Entrepreneurship Week last year. Student teams around the world had four days to create as much value as possible from a pack of Post-It Notes®. Again, this one warrants its own posting at a future date, but suffice it to say that the stories were pretty fascinating. So fascinating, in fact, that a feature-length documentary shot during the competition is due for broadcast sometime this fall or winter.
She talked about what some of the more creative, ambitious teams accomplished and showed some video clips of their stories. She also played the brief promotional trailer for the film, which you can view yourself.
Pretty much every session was fascinating, but a couple that you might especially want to check out are:
Moderator: Andreas Kluth, Technology Correspondent, The Economist
Ann Grimes, Acting Dir., Graduate Program in Journalism, Stanford University
Alan Warms, CEO, BuzzTracker
Chris Tolles, CEO, Topix
Dan Cohen, CEO, Pageflakes
Moderator: Charlene Li, Senior Analyst, Forrester Research
Travis Katz, SVP, MySpace International
Dustin Moskovitz, Co-Founder, Facebook
Rich Rosenblatt, CEO, Demand Media
Gina Bianchini, CEO, Ning
Karl Jacob, CEO, Wallop
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
STVP-AlwasyOn Stanford Summit Coverage - Part 2
View the program/agenda here.
View any presentation in full via the webcast archive here.
The Rise of Virtual Worlds
Just go see this session for yourself in the archives. Philip Rosedale, CEO of Linden Lab, opened with a demonstration of Second Life. If you aren't familiar with what Second Life is, you soon will be. It's fast becoming a household name on the order of You Tube. (Beyond the mere fun of creating an alternate existence, it's very tempting to go out there and start a business as an extra income stream! And now that I think about it, this could be a place for young entrepreneurs to go test their skills.) The panel discussion was also very interesting. There was a very compelling discussion about how virtual worlds will go mainstream, what drivers could affect that, and interesting behaviors of their users. The panel consisted of:
- Irving Wladawsky-Berger, VP, IBM
- Philip Rosedale, CEO, Linden Lab
- Craig Sherman, CEO, Gaia Online
- Chris Melissinos, Chief Gaming Officer, Sun Microsystems
Why Aren't VCs Happy?
This panel discussion was interesting. It started with a brief presentation by Paul Deninger, Vice Chairman, Jeffries & Company, who argued as to why VCs shouldn't be happy right now. He offered up many statistics to support his point of view. He also addressed what he considers a myth: That the IPO market is back. In his view, it may feel like it's back compared to the crash, but it's still way behind the average pre-bubble level in the 1990s. He also said that about 90% of the current deals are M&A, and the majority of those are being done by only ten huge companies ($100 billion market cap). He noted that twice as much money is being poured into companies, yet the number of exits is the same ("exit" defined as an IPO or $100+ million merger or acquisition). He said that industry is mortgaging its future by selling its best companies too early.
With that, the rest of this impressive panel joined him on stage. The full panel consisted of:
- Mark Stevens, Managing Partner, Fenwick & West
- Roger McNamee, Partner, Elevation Partners
- Erik Straser, General Partner, Mohr Davidow Ventures
- Paul Deninger, Vice Chairman, Jefferies & Company
- Bill Gurley, General Partner, Benchmark Capital
- Gurley sees a real problem: few executives willing to run public companies because of Sarbanes-Oxley
- Straser sees an abundance of inexpensive money; the challenge is companies around the world taking advantage of it in a productive manner
- McNamee argues that today's environment (low IPO count) is the norm vs. what was going on in the '90s (not the norm); it doesn't make sense to use the volume of the '90s as the bar
- Companies on the leading edge of technology are of big interest for M&A right now
- Another driver of M&A is that younger companies are easier to integrate; you also get more network effects with young Internet companies
- McNamee says that in the near-term, we're going to "vaporize" a LOT of venture money, private equity money and public money first, then there will be a bull market (natural cycle)
- Sarbanes-Oxley: Government is going to have to loosen up the enforcement in order to enable U.S. companies to compete in today's truly global capital markets
- This is a great time to be an entrepreneur - just be prepared to bootstrap it for awhile and eventually the market will be right for accepting money and putting it to work
Regardless of one's politics, it was interesting to hear John McCain's views up close and personal (in my case, about 20 feet away, to be more precise). He was in town for a fundraiser and came by the conference to share his position on some key issues and take questions from the audience. Up on the stage for a full hour, he was fully engaged and also expressed his appreciation for the impact that members of the audience have on the world through their contributions to technology.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
STVP-AlwaysOn Stanford Summit Coverage - Part 1
6:23 p.m. Our co-host Tony Perkins (you remember him as founder of Upside and Red Herring magazines and now AlwaysOn) is giving STVP a nice plug right now -- thanks, Tony.
6:30 It's worth checking out Tony's slides in the web archive, if you didn't watch live -- he shows some interesting trends and statistics re the Web and the "green" movement.
6:58 An exciting new company just won the overall AO100 award as the most promising new company of the year, so check it out: virtual reality company Gaia Online.
7:03 Guy Kawasaki, who is always hilarious and insightful, is leading a panel of three very interesting new companies, and you'll just have to go watch it yourself. He's got the audience in stitches with his fantastic way of ripping into the panelists such that he elicits fascinating information. It's hysterical and educational, so just go watch it. These guys are telling great stories and giving terrific, real-world advice for would-be entrepreneurs (and investors, for that matter).
We've Launched the New Stanford Technology Ventures Program Blog!
Welcome to the inaugural posting of the STVP technology entrepreneurship blog! For those of you who aren’t familiar with us, The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) is the entrepreneurship education and research center at
STVP conducts scholarly research and teaches numerous courses which are open to all students at Stanford. We also aim to serve others throughout the world interested in entrepreneurship. Our global outreach program includes annual conferences on four continents and the Educators Corner, a website with thousands of video clips and podcasts on entrepreneurship for students, faculty, and entrepreneurs around the world.
If you’ve never been to it, definitely check out the Educators Corner – it’s the next best thing to having lunch with almost every major player in
We thought that coverage of the AlwaysOn and STVP Stanford Summit, a technology trends conference being held in